Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4 - R1
by Mike Wholaver

Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4/R1, Gruppenstab I./JG3, Jeruga, Russia, Summer 1942

Download plane - 1.970 KB

If you want the new Bf 109 bomb rack as a single item you can get it here

Download bomb rack - 13 KB
Unzip the file in the CFS3 directory

 Alternate color schemes by Alessandro Biagi
The Ground Crew seeks to depict camouflage and markings with the highest possible level of historical accuracy. The original and additional "skins" are produced using photographs and/or "GC validated" profiles of the subject aircraft. However, without colour photographs from every angle of the subject aircraft, it is impossible to guarantee 100% accuracy. Therefore any elements that require interpretation or extrapolation are based on a thorough knowledge of standard Luftwaffe, or unit specific, camouflage and markings. Please note that, on the basis of historical accuracy, all planes show swastika markings on the tail. So, if you feel offended by such exhibitions, please do not use these files.

Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4/R1
3./JG 52
Tarnowitz, Russia, May 1942

Download skin - 363 KB